The objectives of the Valdobbiadene Consortium

The objectives of the Valdobbiadene Consortium

President Franco Adami indicates its vision for the future

Franco Adami as President of one of the most dynamic Italian Consorzios for the next three-year period (2024-2026) has a proper vision of the area aided by being the owner of Adami winery, a family-owned producer in the region, with deep roots in the area and a solid foundation in both Italian and international wine business.

The ideas of Franco Adami

Just a few hours after his election he said: “First of all, I would like to thank Elvira Bortolomiol for all the hard work she has done. I am proud to take over from her, but I also feel a sense of responsibility, as I am aware of the importance of giving full weight to the results we have achieved up until now. The task that awaits us will be challenging, but I am convinced that by starting off with a definition of a common vision of our identity (“Who We Are”) and what the aspects are that we share with the rest of the world of Prosecco, we will be able to promote our immaterial values successfully and so make them emerge in a decisive way. Our first concrete step will be to modify the production regulations, because a single permitted yield – one terroir, and a single denomination – is possible, and useful if we are to promote our zone in a compact manner. Naturally, we must also continue along the road taken thus far towards a denomination that is ever more sustainable: in spite of the great progress we have made in the last few years, our impact on the environment has, as far as is possible, to be gradually reduced. Lastly, we will have to concentrate on conserving the Rive, sites that are distinctive and form part of our identity.

The conservation of the Rive

Franco Adami thinks it will be important to undertake a two-fold process able to add a value to the product – eg. by creating cuvées that can show on the label the different places of origin – and, on the other, working on the structure of the landscape, especially from the point of view of conservation. The Rive depend on a delicate balance. Their beauty and the fruit they produce have to be preserved, in particular from the landslides that are a constant threat to them, seeing that rainfall nowadays tends to be more tropical than Mediterranean. The vine-growers are sentinels for – and active workers on – our hillsides, but they need to be put in a position to be able to take action with greater ease, whilst still respecting any regulations that are in force. In this regard, the Consortium will work alongside local government to find solutions that will permit the Rive to continue being places both of production and of beauty.
