Sergio Germano is the new president of the Consorzio di Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Dogliani

Sergio Germano is the new president of the Consorzio di Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Dogliani

A new chapter begins for the Langhe

Following voting held on May 7, the Langhe producers named Sergio Germano as the new president of the consortium. He was then unanimously elected by the producers’ assembly. Joining him for the next three years will be vice presidents, Cesare Barbero- Cantina Vignaioli Elvio Pertinace and Gianluca Roggero-San Biagio, and other board members representing the protected appellations: Michela Adriano- Adriano Marco and Vittorio, Cesare Benvenuto Pio- Pio Cesare, Nicoletta Bocca- San Fereolo, Andrea Boffa- Cortino, Nicola Chionetti- Chionetti, Savio Daniele- Le Strette, Enrico Faccenda- Cascina Chicco, Gianluca Gallo- Cantina Clavesana, Francesco Monchiero- Monchiero Carbone, Diego Morra- Morra Diego, Luca Morra- Morra Stefanino, Bernardino Negro- Pace, Gabriele Occhetti- Cortese Giuseppe, Stefano Pesci- Terre del Barolo, Massimo Rattalino- Rattalino Massimo, Alessandro Rivetto- Alessandro Rivetto, Roberto Sarotto- Sarotto, Federico Scarzello- Scarzello Giorgio & Figli.

Sergio Germano, the key to facing the future is teamwork

Born in 1965, Sergio saw himself involved in Serralunga on the town council helping, among other things, to map the boundaries of what would become the future MeGa. An established producer, he runs the business together with his family. A councilor in the consortium for several years, his mood for the future puts “teamwork” at the center.
My term of office will be characterized by a direct dialogue with everyone, from the Board of Directors to the production base, first and foremost” – Germano said – “the Consortium is a very important body, and after years as a board member I plan to take this opportunity to be very concrete and incisive.”