France lost its place as the largest wine consumer country


France lost its place as the largest wine consumer country


US became the world’s largest wine market in the world last year




According to the OIV (International Organisation of Wine) in 2013, the United States became the first consumer of wine (by volume) in the world surpassing France, which at all times was in the top of the list. This result is explained by a decrease in the wine consumption in France between 2012 and 2013 by about 7% in contrast to an increase of U.S. wine consumption by 0,5%.

vert-de-vin-oiv-france-3eme-pays-consommateur-1European producing countries consume less and less wine

With 238.9 million hectoliters (million hectoliters) of wine consumed worldwide in 2013 world consumption declined by 0.8% compared to 2012. This fall, far from universal , is unevenly distributed. Indeed we find that two tendencies oppose and highlight each year. On the one hand the decline in consumption in major producer countries (France -2.1 Miohl, Italy – 0.8, -0.2 Spain) and on the other hand an increase in consumption in North America, South America, Africa South and East Asia (excluding China). For the Asia must still say that even the Chinese market remains a promising market that last for the first time in several years in decline. Some producers explain this decline in consumption by the current Chinese policy to fight against corruption, which coincides with the lower growth rate of the Chinese market for wines and spirits (16.8 million hl is -3.8 % compared to 2012).

However with about 45L (9,89 gal) per year per capita consumed in France France is far ahead of other countries in terms of per capita consumption even if this figure is constantly decreasing every year. Declining consumption but certainly with a level of quality demanded by the consumer up, which is always a good way.

vert-de-vin-oiv-france-3eme-pays-consommateur-3In this context, the United States stand with an increase in consumption of nearly 1 % year on year or 29.1 million hectoliters of wine consumed (excluding special wines and vermouth), representing 3.9 billion bottles. This allows the U.S. to become in 2013 the world’s first internal market volume. Note however that the pace of growth “post- crisis” the U.S. market is less than that observed before the crisis (between 2001 and 2007).

From a personal personal insight due to my many trips to the USA I would this is reflected in a particular  state of mind. USA vineyards are real living spaces where you can come and spend the day eating, drinking in the late afternoon with colleagues … Having a drink in a vineyard in the late afternoon with friends, colleagues or spend a Sunday in the vineyard became a widespread fashion in wine producer states. This created moments of charing and partaking exchange and tasting for my taste lacking today in France. Imagine anything better than this to promote a product, educate, make people want to consume and initiate a consumer.

vert-de-vin-oiv-france-3eme-pays-consommateurFrance is not yet the first but the third exporter country of wine & spirits

Other important information revealed by the Director General of the OIVJean-Marie Aurand, France lost its top spot exporter and tumbles to third behind Spain and Italy. This can be explained by reduced harvests by difficulties to export but also a significant decrease in the area planted has decreased by almost 15% in 15 years. In contrast to the global area occupied by vineyards remains almost stable.


Choukroun Chicheportiche Jonathan

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