Wine market vs. Coronavirus

Wine market vs. Coronavirus

Wine market vs. Coronavirus

In a difficult current situation, the 2020 Bordeaux Futures are likely to be disrupted.


We learned today that US President Donald Trump has decided to close its borders to travellers from Europe. After the cancellation or postponement of the major wine and spirits fairs, this is a new consequence of the Covid-19 virus (coronavirus). This decision is highly likely to disrupt the key period for the Bordeaux vineyards (Bordeaux En Primeurs), but also the activity of all French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Austrian winegrowers etc.
It is therefore in this context where it is necessary, as far as possible, to support the winegrowers that the Vertdevin team proposes to wine merchants, sommeliers or importers who cannot travel to Europe to taste (free of charge) the wines of their choice, the wines they need sources for their orders. We will then send tasting comments as well as the scores of the wines.

So, friends, wine merchants or importers, if you need tasting comments for Bordeaux Primeurs, for wines from other French regions as well as for wines from other European countries do not hesitate to contact us by email or directly by phone +33 (0) So, feel free to send us your wine list or requested criteria.