Felsina Berardenga – Castelnuovo Berardenga 2021 – Chianti Classico

Felsina Berardenga – Castelnuovo Berardenga 2021 – Chianti Classico

A beautiful, bright color; slightly tarry, the nose reveals herbaceous and red fruit aromas. Straight, agile, dry with iodized sensations in the aftertaste; a tonic pulp is not missed.

Note (Score): 16.5/20

Note (Score): 93/100

Date de dégustation (Tasting date): 02/2023

Dégustateur (Wine Critic): Mantovan Erika

Type d'agriculture (Agriculture): Agriculture Raisonnée (Sustainable Agriculture)

Type (Kind): Rouge (Red)

Format dégusté (Tasted bottle size): Bouteille (Bottle)

En Primeur (EnPrimeur): Non (No)

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