Carmen DO, Mattoral Chileno, Mezcla tinta 2018 D.O. Maule Valley

Carmen DO, Mattoral Chileno, Mezcla tinta	2018 D.O. Maule Valley

Emily Faulconer, the winemaker overseeing the whole Carmen range since 2017, is leading the brand towards an exciting new vision. This blend of Carignan, Garnacha and País is extremely delicate, with a majority of lovely floral aromas, the likes of lavender & lilac as well as fresh raspberries. The acidity is outstanding making it, long, persistent in a very easy and pleasant way. It’s ripe and structured to the core with such a decent integration.

Note (Score): 16/20

Note (Score): 92/100

Date de dégustation (Tasting date): 04/2019

Dégustateur (Wine Critic): Metivier Joanie

Type d'agriculture (Agriculture): Agriculture Raisonnée (Sustainable Agriculture)

Type (Kind): Blanc sec (Dry white)

Format dégusté (Tasted bottle size): Bouteille (Bottle)

En Primeur (EnPrimeur): Non (No)

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