The results of the proposed changes to the Barolo and Barbaresco specifications

The results of the proposed changes to the Barolo and Barbaresco specifications

The Consorzio di Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Dogliani proposals to modify the Barolo and Barbaresco disciplinary rules at the production base.

In order to be approved, the proposed amendments needed to be endorsed by producers representing simultaneously (as required by legislation) at least 66 % of the total area of the vineyards covered by the designation and at least 51 % of the bottled production (average) in the last two years.

Below are the proposals to modify the specifications that have been approved by the producers with the relative percentages. The remaining proposed amendments did not reach the legal quorum.

* the limitation of the bottling area for Barolo and Barbaresco (which by law must coincide with the wine-making area), an area not covered by the current specification:

Barolo: for the surface 71.15% and for bottling 66.95%
Barbaresco: for the surface 67,92 and for the bottling 63,97%

* Allow the use of large sizes (above 6L) for Barbaresco
The amendment allows producers to use formats with a capacity of more than 6 L and up to 18 L also for sale (currently it is allowed to use these formats only for promotional purposes), as is already the case for wines packaged in containers up to 6L.

Barbaresco: for the surface 67,22 and for the bottling 65,23%

The legislative process necessary to make the implementing changes in the respective specifications will now continue.


By press release consortium