The creativity and the goodness of Italy in Milan
Smiles – lots of smiles – but above all expertise, both in the kitchen and in the dining room. That of Aimo and Nadia, in Milan, is a close-knit team that builds every thing means: relationships. The art of listening and understanding. Dialogue and contamination. Everyday experiences become energy transformed into what the guest perceives as welcoming, professional, but above all ‘home’, in which to find ideas and projects, ‘reasoned recipes’ created by the chef duo formed by Negrini and Pisani, who give us creative, Italian dishes that look. Like all the ingredients, one step away from the other, deciding who should be the voice of the message (of the dish) narrated by Nicola Dell’Agnolo.
Then there are those in the dining room who takes care not to make the guests feel lonely: Alberto Piras, born in 1986, joined this brigade in 2014 as chef sommelier. His presence enriches the experience by delivering a bouquet of flowers every time he opens a bottle of wine. The aim is to accompany the dishes, respecting without ever overpowering them. If we think of the figure of the sommelier, he embodies it to perfection:
« I like wines that reflect the terroir and identify with the people who make them ». The wine list he has developed consists of some 1400 references and 7000 bottles. The countries most represented are Italy and France (with a large opening to Champagne, Burgundy and a little Rhone) and Germany. But there is also space for other European countries such as Austria, Slovenia, Greece and Spain. « I amuse myself with less classical combinations by playing on sweetness and acidity » – a ”mariage” to be experienced thinking of being in a thant place, indeeds, where everything looks to the blossoming of the good within us. A restaurant that feels like fresh water, far from the city centre, to find peace and light.