“ONE HEALTH” is the theme of the 164th Hospices de Beaune Wine Auction

“ONE HEALTH” is the theme of the 164th Hospices de Beaune Wine Auction

by editorial staff

Save the Date: 17 November 2024

The theme ‘One Health’, ‘Une seule santé’, chosen by the Hospices Civils de Beaune, is a health model based on the integration of different disciplines, an approach that is both ancient and current, recognizing the indissoluble link between human health, animal health and the health of the ecosystem. The aim of promoting this model is to preserve the health of people and ecosystems in the quest for balance.

The health of plants, the environment and humans are interconnected, and the interdependence between them necessitates the creation of new methods for monitoring and combating disease.

Harvest 2024: the objectives of Hospices de Beaune

The historic entity is committed to the environment, undertaking the conversion of its 60 hectares to organic, a commitment to those who work in and outside the vineyards as well as to consumers. An ethic already present in the devotion of the hospital staff and the need to support the relationship with health and the environment, which the establishment humbly undertakes to serve every day.

La Pièce de Charité

Since 1945, the charitable character of the Hospices de Beaune wine sale has remained at the forefront. At the next auction, the ‘Pièce de Charité’ will be put up for sale to benefit one or more associations. In most cases, it is a grand cru from the annual harvest of one of the exceptional terroirs of the Hospices de Beaune estate. You can apply and become a beneficiary of the proceeds of the Charity Coin sale by accessing the dedicated section of the site: https://domaine.hospices-de-beaune.com/la-charity coin. Applications are open until 30 June 2024.