Appointment of three new members to the Board of Directors of Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA

Appointment of three new members to the Board of Directors of Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA

Appointment of three new members to the Board of Directors of Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA

On 15 October 2020, the Shareholders’ Meeting of Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA appointed three new members to the company’s Board of Directors.

Michele Anderson has 30 years’ experience in business value enhancement and growth. Her international career has taken her from Australia, where she was born, via New York and Silicon Valley to Boston. Specialising in the development and implementation of growth strategies based on digital transformation, e-commerce and innovation, Ms Anderson has held senior management positions with Staples, Shutterfly and Activate. Her passion for wine motivated her to enrol in the study programme run by the Institute of Masters of Wine, from which she successfully qualified as a Master of Wine.

Charlotte de Gastines has a strong background in digital and customer development strategy which she applied at BearingPoint Consultants and major consumer goods companies. Of French nationality, now residing in the UK, Ms de Gastines has acknowledged know-how in corporate transformation through the roll-out of dynamic sales policies using various digital ecosystems enhanced by operational excellence. She is currently IT Director at Reckitt Benckiser in London.

Brigitte Taittinger Jouyet held several senior management positions in international companies in the perfume and luxury sectors, such as Annick Goutal, Baccarat and Taittinger’s hotels business, before becoming Director of Strategy and Development at Institut des Sciences Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). Involved in the arts world for a number of years as a director of the Paris National Orchestra, the Pompidou Centre and the Aix en Provence Festival, Ms Taittinger Jouyet also sits on the Board of HSBC France and on the boards of the Suez and Fnac Darty groups.

Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA’s Board of Directors now has 10 members: 8 directors (half women, half men), the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman.