Vignerons de Buxy, Mercurey Buisonier 2023 – Mercurey

Vignerons de Buxy, Mercurey Buisonier 2023 – Mercurey

The wine has a pale ruby ​​color. The nose is gourmand, juicy and fruity, with expressive aromas of wild strawberry and crushed raspberry at the beginning. Then, it expresses notes of crushed blackcurrant, wild blackberry and red cherry, combined with floral touches of peony, lilac and violet, as well as blackcurrant bud in the background and white pepper, as well as a fine touch of toast and dried herbs, which appear after aeration. The palate is airy, tangy, with a peppery and slightly bitter touch on the attack. It also expresses notes of tangy strawberry, raspberry, red cherry and blackcurrant, combined with a hint of dried blackcurrant leaf, black pepper, toast, dried cornflower and lilac. The tannins are supple, almost imperceptible. The acidity is fresh and salivating, the finish has an average persistence, on tangy notes of red cherry and cranberries with a good bitterness.

Note (Score): 14,25+/20

Note (Score): 87-88/100

Date de dégustation (Tasting date): 10/2024

Dégustateur (Wine Critic): Guerin de Tourville Valentina

Type d'agriculture (Agriculture): Agriculture Raisonnée (Sustainable Agriculture)

Type (Kind): Rouge (Red)

Format dégusté (Tasted bottle size): Bouteille (Bottle)

En Primeur (EnPrimeur): Non (No)

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