Rizman Winery – Pošip Nonno 2021

Rizman Winery – Pošip Nonno 2021

(Magnum) Deep yellow-green colour. The nose is intensely oaky, revealing nuances of cinnamon, herbal and spicy notes, some honeycomb and lanolin hints. The palate is extremely fresh and even green, with refreshing acidity, elegant body, delicate waxy texture. Nuances of Mediterranean herbs dominate the palate and add pleasant bitterness that enhances the freshness.

Note (Score): 15.75/20

Note (Score): 91-92/100

Date de dégustation (Tasting date): 03/2023

Dégustateur (Wine Critic): Tenison Valéria

Type d'agriculture (Agriculture): Agriculture Raisonnée (Sustainable Agriculture)

Type (Kind): Blanc sec (Dry white)

Format dégusté (Tasted bottle size): Bouteille (Bottle)

En Primeur (EnPrimeur): Non (No)

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