DOP and IGP Wines of Romagna Return to Imola for the Annual Event Dedicated to the Restaurant Industry

DOP and IGP Wines of Romagna Return to Imola for the Annual Event Dedicated to the Restaurant Industry

Appointment on Monday, September 30th at the Enzo and Dino Ferrari Circuit

The event organized by the Consorzio Vini di Romagna dedicated to professionals in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector (hotels, restaurants, wine shops, wine bars, catering, distributors) returns to the Enzo and Dino Ferrari Circuit in Imola. Participants will have the opportunity to meet over 60 companies and explore 400 wines that embody the diversity and richness of Romagna, from the Rimini coast to the hills of Imola.

The event will take place on Monday, September 30th, from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the Checco Costa Room, Piazza Ayrton Senna da Silva n.3.

A key highlight of this edition is the seminar for restaurateurs, led by Roberto Gardini, former Best Sommelier of Italy, trainer, and expert on local wines. The seminar will provide an opportunity to become familiar with the main types of Romagnolo wines, concluding with food pairings, thanks to the presence of gastronomic specialists from Emilia-Romagna and beyond.

The wines of Romagna, particularly Sangiovese, are not only products of quality but symbols of our identity and history. Each bottle tells the story of the deep bond between the grape variety and the territory, a connection reflected in the passion and dedication of our winemakers. We believe that events like this are essential to promote and increase the awareness of Romagnolo wines, where partnerships with the restaurant industry – especially in the region – are fundamental to the success of our wines and to proudly recognize the uniqueness of local varieties. Our goal is to elevate Romagna wines to the top, where they deserve to be,” commented Roberto Monti, President of the Consorzio Vini di Romagna.

The event is organized by the Consorzio Vini di Romagna. Special thanks to the municipal administrations of Imola and Faenza. Special thanks also to the valuable collaboration of: Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia – Ascom Imola and Faenza, Confesercenti, A.RI.AL.CO, AIS Romagna, IF Turism Company, Edizioni Prima Pagina.