Ramos Pinto Duas Quintas Tinto Douro 2019

Ramos Pinto Duas Quintas Tinto Douro 2019

The nose is open and heady with notes of roasted cherries, blueberry pie, blackberries, black cherries. The palate is fresh, slightly reductive with notes of black fruits. The tannins are sticky, slightly rubbery. Good length.

Note (Score): 14+/20

Note (Score): 87/100

Date de dégustation (Tasting date): 05/2022

Dégustateur (Wine Critic): Tenison Valéria

Type d'agriculture (Agriculture): Agriculture Raisonnée (Sustainable Agriculture)

Type (Kind): Rouge (Red)

Format dégusté (Tasted bottle size): Bouteille (Bottle)

En Primeur (EnPrimeur): Non (No)

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